
Spring comes yet?

I always quote " Winter is coming "as a slogan to my new coming friends or visitors in this city. Northeast part of China is cutting off spring as usual. However, it seems quite "unusual" to feel warm this early, I mean, yes a blossom season like April. We are thrilled to have chance sitting outside having a cheap beer named "Snow" with Canadians who are going to wear shorts pretty soon. I got to give a cheer to their running heated blood or unbelievable  cold resistant gene pool.

As a routine for this subtle winter to spring gap, or poetically speaking if you prefer, a season for everything waking up after a long sleep in cold, so did the virus. And I am the fortunate one to get it as always.

Here we go.
After 8 hours pause on blogging since I was busy at work. I decided to change the tone a bit on this particular blog.

Someone shoot me or I will shoot someone---- That's the latest status I just posted on Chinese wechat status and made my roommate to check it out though she was just sitting right next to me. And that's moment I know I'm getting crazy because of this long non-stop sickness bothering loop on me. Seriously, asking a person to know how you feel by checking your social app status instead of talking it out? That's just soooooo 90's born!! Yet I did it, without any hesitation. And yes, I know I am way too annoyed by the cold or whatever virus you name it.

If there were any aliens coming to earth and start to get human elimination by spreading some disease,  I would definitely be the first generations to fall down. NO DOUBT.

